Got HubSpot? Great! Just follow the instructions below, and you can send your new Cention leads over to HubSpot. Before that, let’s get some overview in Cention.

Main Page Overview

Once you’ve logged in to the system, you will see a main errand window that has many functions and features. Through this integration, only 3 important pages will be used:

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1. Errands

2. Accounts (Integrations)

3. Contact Cards

You can access those functions by click on the top left side of dropdown menu showing Errands. Clicking each menu will load a new page, giving you access to different functions for your landing page.




You can access the following functions on the Errands page:

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1. My errands: It shows the handled errands by you.

2. All errands: It shows the new awaiting errands

3. Priority: To filter the errands based on errand criteria such as “High Priority”, “Warning”, “Collaboration”, “Expired” and “Replies”.

4. Area: To view and filter areas that has been assigned.

5. Search: To find specific errand that have been created in the system.

6. Notifications: It shows you notifications if there anything that needs attention.



Accounts (Integrations)

You can access the following functions by click on the top left side of dropdown menu:

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1. Navigate to dropdown Administration > Organization > Accounts.

2. You will see the list of accounts that available for Integrations such as HubSpot.


Contact Cards

You can access the following functions by click on the top left dropdown menu:

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1. Navigate to dropdown Administration > Contact cards

2. You will be direct to Contact cards page. Search field can be used to find existing contact card.

3. Click the Create new button to create a new form of contact.

4. Click Save after you have done. The contact info will be added to contact card list.

Integration with Hubspot

What you’ll need:

Estimated time to complete: 3-5 minutes.

The Cention/HubSpot integration setup is only needed once, and it must be done by the Administration.

Setting Up Your HubSpot Integration

1. In the main Errands screen for the landing page, click on the main dropdown menu at top left of the window. Then navigate to Administration > Organizations > Accounts. From the Account’s list, click HubSpot:

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2. You will be direct to HubSpot account page. Click Authenticate new account button:

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3. New form will be display to you authorize account from the HubSpot. Choose connected Area and enter Name. Click the Authorize account button.

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4. HubSpot will prompt you to log in if you aren’t logged in already:

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5. If you have more than one account associated with your HubSpot login, choose an account you’d like to link back with Cention:

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6. Wait for Cention to authenticate with HubSpot and redirect you back to Cention.

7. Back in Cention, your HubSpot owner account and HubSpot account will be display as @Authenticated. Tick on the activated button and click Save:

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8. Once the integration is set up, go back to your main Errand page by clicking the Cention logo or Workflowat the top left corner of the Account page, and you’re all set.

All new incoming leads will now be sent over to your HubSpot account!

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