API Documentation
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Cention Logio (login & logout) API

  • To use Cention Contact Center logio API, a Bearer Token with ‘Access to logio API’ claim is needed (see steps and Screenshot below).
  • To create Bearer Token, go to Cention server → Administration tab → API → Access Tokens.
  • Click on Create New button and tick the checkbox beside ‘Access to logio API’ under Others.
  • Fill up the required Name & Key fields or otherwise the Save button will not be clickable.


The API could be called from any web agent with Bearer Token in the http header: Authorization: Bearer <token>. For example Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci...<snip>...yu5CSpyHI


  • Use HTTP GET with endpoint: https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio to call logio API. If the name of your Cention workspace is “demo” and the cention api domain is apid.cention.com then the endpoint would be: https://apid.cention.com/s/demo/capi/custom/logio

API Query Parameters

Field Description
name Login name of an agent for retrieval, default (if not specified) is to retrieve records for all agents.
format Output format of an export, available choices are csv and json; default (if not specified) is to use csv format.
from Timestamp of records to be retrieved in unix format; default (if not specified) is to retrieve records from last 7 days.
to Timestamp of records to be retrieved in unix format; default (if not specified) is to use current timestamp.

Sample of query

  • A query without parameter will retrieve last 7 days of login and logout records for all agents within a system group (which the Bearer Token was created), in csv format.
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" "https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio"
  • Use name (login name) parameter to retrieve login and logout records for a specific agent.
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
      "https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio?name=joe"
  • Use format parameter to retrieve login and logout records in specific format, current supported formats are csv and json.
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
      "https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio?format=csv"
  • Use from and to parameter to retrieve login and logout records within a specific time frame, these parameters are in unix timestampt format.
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
      "https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio?from=1554857192&to=1555980452"
  • Parameters could be combined into a single query, e.g. the following will retrieve login and logout records ranged between 1554857192 and 1555980452 for agent sysadmin, in csv format.
      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
      "https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/custom/logio?from=1554857192&to=1555980452&name=sysadmin&format=csv"

Output Response Fields

Field Description
id Running number of the retrieved login/logout records.
name Login name of an agent
timestamp Timestamp of login or logout action
action Login or Logout

Sample of response

  • csv (headerless, unix new line format)
  • json (there will be no line break between records in actual response)


  • For security reason, logio will retrieve records within same system group; meaning if the API was created in system group A, the retrieval will pull records within system group A only.

  • Convertion between unix timestamp and human readable format could be done programatically or via online, e.g. epochconverter.