API Documentation
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Cention Export JSONAPI

  • To use Cention Contact Center export API, a JSON Web Token (JWT) with ‘Access to export API’ claim attached is needed.
  • To create JWT go to Cention server → Administration tab → API → Access Tokens.
  • Check (tick) ‘‘Access to export API’ from Others.
  • Make sure to fill up the Key field else Save button will not be activated.
  • Screenshot:

The API follows JSONAPI specification: http://jsonapi.org/ . Following is some of the specification that must follow:

Trigger Export Generation

  • Use HTTP POST with endpoint: https://<cention api domain>/s/<workspace>/capi/json/c3_trigger_exports to trigger a preset export. If the name of your Cention workspace is “demo” and the cention api domain is apid.cention.com then the endpoint would be: https://apid.cention.com/s/demo/capi/json/c3_trigger_exports
  • Sample HTTP POST request body data format for trigger export:
  "data": {
    "type": "c3_trigger_exports",
    "attributes": {
      "use_closure_date": true,
      "errand_from_date": "2019/01/01",
      "errand_to_date": "2019/01/30"
    "relationships": {
      "export": {
        "data": {
            "type": "c3_exports",
            "id": "316"
  • Sample HTTP POST response data format for trigger export (include id field):
  "data": {
    "type": "c3_trigger_exports",
    "id": "3",
    "attributes": {
      "c3_id": 3,
      "use_closure_date": true,
      "errand_from_date": "2019/01/01",
      "errand_to_date": "2019/01/30",
      "content": {
        "errand_id": 1,
        "from_address": "test@cention.se",
        "to_address": "test1@cention.se",
        "subject": "subject",
        "question": "question",
        "answer": "answer",
        "errand_notes": "notes",
        "timestamp_arrived": "",
        "timestamp_opened": "",
        "timestamp_answered": "",
        "timestamp_closed": ""


Field Type Description
export Array of Object JSONAPI formatted object which represent the preset-ed export to be triggered.


Field Type Description
data Array of Object JSONAPI formatted object which represent the preset-ed export to be triggered.


Field Type Description
type String Export type.
id String Export ID from Cention application.


Field Type Description
c3_id Integer Generated export content’s database ID.
use_closure_date Boolean If true the generated content base on errand’s closure date instead of arrival date.
errand_from_date String If set export will search errand from this date, format “2019/01/01”.
errand_to_date String If set export will search errand until this date, format “2019/01/01”.
content Array of Object The content of generated data of the export.


Field Type Description
errand_id String Errand identification number.
from_address String Errand from address.
to_address String Errand to address.
subject String Errand subject.
question String Errand question message.
answer String Errand answer message.
errand_notes String Errand note message.
timestamp_arrived String Errand arrival time.
timestamp_opened String Errand open time.
timestamp_answered String Errand answer time.
timestamp_closed String Errand closing time.
agent_id Integer Errand assigned agent id.
agent_name String Errand assigned agent name.
area_id Integer Errand container area id.
area_name String Errand container area name.
tag_names String Errand tags name.
client_id Integer Errand sender id.
priority String Errand priority level.
satisfaction_meter_answer_1 Integer Errand feedback level 1.
satisfaction_meter_answer_2 Integer Errand feedback level 2.
satisfaction_meter_answer_3 Integer Errand feedback level 3.
satisfaction_meter_answer_4 Integer Errand feedback level 4.
satisfaction_meter_answer_5 Integer Errand feedback level 5.
channel String Errand source name.
area_external_id String External id for Area.


  1. JSONAPI specification.